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Project: Pennyfield Lock Boat Ramp & Stream Improvements

Client: The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Location: Silver Spring, MD

July 2008; Herb Dehoff –301-495-2558 Name of E/A, Contact Person, Phone #: The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission; Andy Frank, P.E. –301-650-2886 Department of Natural Resources; Ken Ropp 410-260-8437 National Park Service; Lynne Wigfield 301-745-5802 Maryland Department of the Environment; Rich Wolters 301-665-1761 Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services; Jeff Mann 301-370-3698Highway and Safety Services, Inc. Project Personnel:CarlieKingdon –Project ManagerRolando Cruz -ForemanThe project design included the rehabilitation of apopular boat ramp which allowed access to the Potomac River through an historic arched sandstone culvert under the C&O Canal. The property belongs to the National Park Service and a portion is on Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission Property. Due to the close proximity to historic stone structures extreme care was exercised in placing the imbricated riprap streambank armoring and stream invert excavation.


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